Sunday, September 1, 2013

Surviving Week One.

My first week of the new semester is done! It was a long week, I'll admit.  I have early and late classes, and I'm working three times a week (I work as a lab assistant on campus).  And on Sautrdays I volunteer at an animal hospital. So yes, a long week. But I'm excited for the new semester and my new classes:
Organic Chemistry I and Lab
General Parasitology and Lab
Honors Seminar: Inhabiting Other Lives

This is my Friday look; I only have one class in the morning so I figured I could wear something a little more fun.  I am loving these new shorts I got from Forever 21. The lace makes them fancy, but the elastic waistband makes them pajama-y. So I guess that makes them fancy pajama shorts. Perfect for an 8:00 AM class. 

And... Meet my handsome photographer and lovely boyfriend Luis! He was a good sport and photographed me in the horrid Florida heat. You guys will be hearing a lot more about him.  Possibly seeing more of him too, maybe. He always sticks his tongue out in pictures, which drives me crazy. But I still think he's pretty. 
Sincerely, Lex.